Why do this series
- You are your baby’s first, most important and best teacher. You can have a dramatic influence over your baby’s brain growth and future learning ability
- A baby’s brain grows most rapidly in the first twelve months of life. This is a critical period for learning and is when much of the essential wiring linked to learning is laid down.
- What happens in the first year of life is profound and affects all later development.
- Learn crucially important information about your baby’s development from leading child development experts
- Learn what stimulation and activities your baby needs to build key brain pathways for later learning
- Babies thrive on activities that are developmentally beneficial and parents thrive when babies thrive. It’s a win-win!
What you will learn and do!
Well informed parents make more confident parents.
Baby development experts show you the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of:
- Tummy time activities
- Baby exercises
- Baby massages
- Baby dances
- Speech, hearing and visual development activities
- Music, rhythm, nursery rhymes and songs for babies
- Activities to develop your baby’s coordination
- Activities for milestones and primitive reflexes
- Important information about sitting and crawling
- Bonding activities
- So much more
- Watch and do as many times as you like!

I have absolutely loved the series of baby classes! It is a wonderful resource jam-packed with great ideas and activities. The most enjoyable part is the bonding that takes place between my baby boy and me each and every time during an online session. He is also so much happier and content afterwards. The series puts my mind at ease, as I now understand how beneficial the activities are.
I’ve been following the Active Babies Smart Kids videos doing one every few days. I’ve just noticed a huge difference in my baby’s abilities, especially tummy time. They are such a great reference tool because not only do you get the activities to do, but also the ‘why’ which is so important! It’s not only teaching my baby, it’s teaching me to! I feel more confident as a new mum. Thank you for this great resource.
The Active Babies Smart Kids series is a lifesaver. I really had no idea how to play with my baby or what to do during awake time till I saw this!