| Today’s parents are thirsty for knowledge about how best to nurture and support their baby’s development. Finding the best information is always challenging! That’s why I highly recommend The Active Babies Smart Kids online series to parents. It really is a one-stop-shop on baby development. The information is spot-on and provided in a fun and interesting format and there are loads of age-appropriate activity ideas for parents of baby’s right from birth! I am thrilled to be able to pass on information about this online GymbaROO series to the parents of babies I see in my medical practice. The information and activities provided are excellent for any parent wanting to know more about what they can do to help their baby’s brain and body development. I highly recommend it. Dr Justine Johnston MBBS FRACGP |
 | As a GP I see many babies and families with young children. I frequently get asked about what activities parents can do as they spend time with their babies, and how they can help with their development. I refer them straight to this GymbaROO series as it is a fantastic resource, full of information and ideas and gives parents confidence in their parenting. Dr Monica Larkin. MBBS, FRACGP, DRACOG. |
 | As a doctor working in a rural area where there is no GymbaROO centre, I am absolutely thrilled that GymbaROO has put together this series on baby development. I advise all parents of babies to watch this series. The developmental information, the ideas and games provide a wonderful resource offering parents all sorts of activities they can do with their babies to help with development and bonding. This series will help every parent get their baby off to a great start in life. Dr Amy Sheil MBBS FRACGP DCH (Diploma Child Health). |
 | As both a doctor and a dad, I know exactly how a new dad feels when it comes to handling a tiny new baby. It can be quite daunting, especially with your first child. For lots of us, this may be our first time ever even holding a little newborn, so it’s little wonder that many of us feel unsure what to do. I highly recommend the Active Babies Smart Kids online series, its a great resource for dads (and mums) to learn about babies and development. It provides great ideas and advice about how to help babies grow and develop through fun movement, music and play. Dr Matthew Bayfield MBBS FRACS |
 | What an impressive and wonderful website for parents and educators of young children to use! As a tertiary teacher of students learning to be educators in the early childhood field this is a very useful tool for me to use as a supplement to my classes. The information was conveyed in language that would be easy to understand regardless of your previous knowledge and with great practical ideas that are especially fun and enjoyable to do with your baby or others in your care! Great work Gymbaroo for putting together a great resource that closely ties in with the early years focus of learning through PLAY. Juliana Johnston- B. Ed ECE, Tertiary Teacher in Child and Family Studies |
 | The Active Babies Smart Kids series has so much value for new parents. We had all our children, (many years ago!) go to GymbaROO and I couldn’t recommend highly enough both GymbaROO classes and now their new series for babies and parents. As an Ear Nose and Throat specialist I was particularly impressed with the episode on Speech and Hearing and the one on Tummy Time. Well done GymbaROO. Dr David W Johnston, Paediatric ENT Specialist, Sydney Adventist Hospital Sydney NSW |
 | I'm a Child Health Nurse and antenatal educator and have watched your Active Babies Smart Kids Online series and I'm very impressed! Reinforces lots of what we encourage our parents to do (tummy time, massage, vision and hearing stimulation etc etc). I would love to obtain more flyers, because I'm giving them out to all my mums, and I'd also like to give them out at antenatal classes - the earlier parents have access to this sort of information the better. I live in a country town where there is no Gymbaroo, which is why access to the online series is so helpful. Child Health Nurse and antenatal educator WA |
 | I have been doing the online ABSK GymbaROO series with my baby since she was six weeks old. She is now thirteen weeks. We look forward to this lovely chance to bond everyday. She loves all the activities and songs and so do I. She has come a long way since we first started. She enjoys and is improving at the activities all the time. I have learnt so much about her development since watching this series and I feel good knowing that I am giving her the best start in life. Thanks so much for this fantastic opportunity. We look forward to attending a centre! |
 | I've just found your great web site. My three month old loves the whole body massages and we also like the extra tips for tummy time as he hated tummy time due to his run in with constipation. There are lots of other little things from the GymbaROO videos that we find very useful in everyday play and life. I wish I had found this web site three months ago! |
 | Active Babies Smart Kids series of baby classes is amazing!!! Fun for both parents and bubs. Thanks so much for providing such a wonderful resource for parents who want to encourage their child’s development whilst also enjoying smiles, giggles and gurgles. |
 | I just wanted to thank you so much for providing the online baby class series. The episodes are presented so professionally with so much valuable information and activities to do with my baby. I am totally addicted!! I have been watching one every day and rewatching them and doing the 'Let's do BabyROO' with my little boy. I am learning so much about my baby and how he develops and learns and am grateful of this opportunity to help him reach his full potential in later years!! |
 | The Active Babies Smart Kids series have such clever ideas for play that we hadn’t thought of. Also, it’s great to have accompanying explanations about how through different types of play we are teaching our baby to move and helping him learn. The episodes are an ideal length that make watching them with baby easily possible, and to top it off, the songs have a fun and hip twist on the traditional, making them enjoyable for us adults too! I love how it put me at ease slowly developing tummy time skills with my gorgeous boy when I was worried about what to do. |
 | Thank you for referring me to the website. This is a fantastic reference for first time parents as it covered great topics that we cannot find in parental books or the books are too wordy to read. The topics covered and guest speakers are informative and educational. Overall congratulations on a very informative, effective and successful program. Thank you for sharing this with us. |
 | I have a 10 week old son and in these early stages it’s been wonderful to use the videos in the comfort and safety of our own home. I’ve appreciated it most on days when I haven’t had much sleep. Because of the videos I can still help him learn and we can play together, all while still in pjs with unwashed hair! |
 | We have one car in our household so it's difficult for me and my seven month old daughter to go out. I tried to provide her with the stimulation she needed for development, but struggled to come up with ideas. Since I found your online sessions, we both have so much fun! I love that we can do the activities while watching the videos. My daughter loves pretty much everything. She has laughed out loud during the activities and looks so happy and fascinated. Thank you very much for making your videos available for mums like me who spend a lot of time with the baby at home. |
 | We have loved watching the online BabyROO series! We have a beautiful baby boy with reflux and the series helped us with hints for how to make tummy time fun and stimulating, with lots of toys and interaction to amuse our son! We have often laid him on our own tummies and sing or tell nursery rhymes as a distraction. It has worked wonderfully! |
 | We love watching the Gymbaroo ABSK videos and learning to do it with our sweet girl. Great fun and easy to do. Thank you Gymbaroo! It is the best activity for new parents like us to do with our baby. |
 | What I love about the online series is that I am able to share them with my hubby who is not able to attend our GymbaROO sessions as he is working. Since he loves taking care of our little one whenever he has a spare second he always refers to the videos so that he has ‘quality time’ with him. Our favourite is the musical one since we have many instruments around the house. |
 | Love that I have learnt through the online series the various activities I can do with my 8mth old. She loves this time as much as I do! |
 | I loved the guidance from renowned Pinky Mckay and pediatrician Dr Meredith . I found these sessions informative as a new parent, particularly understanding infant development and the fun activities I can use when interacting with my baby. Loved the giggles and smiles from bub when we did the activities. |
 | I love doing the ‘lets do babyROO’ segments from the online series with my 4 month old whenever we have a spare bit of time. It means I have ideas for fun activities at any time of day that I know are helping him learn! And best of all – he loves them too! |
 | My 4 month old laughs, smiles and talks his way through ‘let’s do BabyROO’. We do it every day at home and my 2 year old who does Gymbaroo helps me, does the activities herself or with her teddy. They are great for development and sibling bonding. |
 | I just loved your session on hearing and speech!! It was so incredibly factual, informative and fun! It's a wonderful series of baby development classes and actually wish I had a little baby to do it with! Valuable life long skills leant early....perfect! :)))) Kathy Gerrans Speech Pathologist Wheeler Heights, NSW and mother. |
 | My 4 month old and I have a lot of fun doing the different baby classes in this series. It is never boring and I have learnt so many things that I can do to help my baby grow and develop. |
 | I love that the baby classes are full of fun and educational activities that I can do at any time of the day. |
 | We love being able to enjoy the fun we have Gymbaroo at home, any time, with this online series. |
 | My daughter and I love the valuable information and fun activities we can do at home. Really reinforces what we learn at our local Gymbaroo. Really eases my worries of “am I doing enough?”. |
 | My husband and I love the online Active Babies series because it’s easy to access. The activities are of great fun like the ones we have in the class. I have also recommended these series to some of my friends. They love these too. |
 | The videos are easy to follow, educational and most importantly fun. I do the activities regularly with my 3.5 month old and she loves it. |
 | I like getting ideas that I can then share with my mothers group!! |
 | I love that it reminds me of the simple and fun activities I should be doing to assist my baby’s development. And it also explains the benefit that your baby will get out of it. |
 | I have watched the full series, some more than once. I find the information about child development and best practices to promote and encourage children’s development interesting. The series gave me support in providing activities for my baby and backed up what I was learning at GymbaROO. |
 | A fun and simple activity to do with my 8 week little girl. Brings lots of happiness to our home and our little girl improves every time. |
 | I love how excited my lil boy gets when he hears the music he knows it’s active play time! I love that I am learning while playing with bub. |
 | I have a 14 week girl that has been so alert from the minute she was born. I’ve found encouraging her to exercise and to keep her brain from getting bored is the best thing. I’ve seen major leaps in her developmental stages since joining Gymbaroo, I think the videos are great as they remind you to follow up on things learnt in class and also you can rewind and pause if something comes up and you need to stop. |
 | I knew absolutely nothing about little babies development. I am also not a fan of reading 100 different baby books. The video series has been a great education for me that makes sense, is not mentally exhausting and is fun to do with my little one. Thanks! |
 | We have been really enjoying the online Active Babies Smart Kids videos. My baby absolutely loves the one-on-one time with mum, singing and doing the movements. The smiles and giggles I get from doing Ring around the Rosie are just priceless. I show my husband the activities that she particularly enjoys so that he can also join in the fun. |
 | I have been doing the online activities with my son, it’s excellent to find activities that utilise things you already have at home. The information that goes along with those activities is great, knowing why something is important for bubs development. Thank you! |
 | The videos helped to give me an idea of age specific activities I can do with my bub and know I am helping his development in a fun way. |
 | Everybody shaking, shaking, shaking. Everybody shaking just like me. The songs are so fun and catchy. My hubby had everyone humming and whistling this tune on site! |
 | I enjoy learning “A Little Bit More” about the science and benefits of the Babyroo games that my tiny girl and I have fun playing every day. |
 | It’s great to know how much impact play has on children’s development. I’m not into “flash card” parenting and it’s nice reassurance that she’s learning just fine through having fun together. |
 | I love the videos because they give me new ideas and inspiration. They are great fun to do at home in the lounge room! Thank you for providing them. |
 | I love that we can do the activities with Dad after hours. |
 | One of the things I love about the ABSK online series is watching my husband and baby bonding together. Since he loves taking care of our little one whenever he has a spare second, he always refers to the videos so that he has ‘quality time’ with him. Such joy! |