What experts say
Crawling and creeping are essential for stimulating brain connections that help with later learning. By providing our babies with opportunities to move in this way we are giving them what they need to get the very best start to their lives. Dr Meredith Bayfield.
Dr Jane Williams – Leading baby development expert
The longer your baby crawls and creeps the better it is for their future learning! Don’t be in a hurry for your child to walk, for it is not how early a child walks, but how much is learnt before walking that will influence the development of a child’s physical, social and academic well-being.
Dr Meredith Sheil – Paediatrician
What’s in Episode 12
The ‘how’ and ‘why’ – Learn everything you need to know about crawling and creeping:
- Why crawling and creeping are so important for your baby’s future academic, physical and emotional development
- What you need to know before your baby crawls
- When should a baby be crawling and creeping?
- When should a baby be sitting?
- Why not to sit your babies before they can sit themselves
- Activities that help a baby learn to crawl and creep
Baby development class 12
- Join in! Enjoy bonding and development time with you baby, as together you do – baby exercises to music; dance; tummy time activities vision, hearing and speech development activities; rhythm and music activities; baby massage; baby games and more baby fun!
Answers to commonly asked questions
- Interview on crawling and creeping with leading baby development expert, Dr Jane Williams
What parents say
We love watching the Gymbaroo ABSK videos and learning to do it with our sweet girl. Great fun and easy to do. Thank you Gymbaroo! It is the best activity for new parents like us to do with our baby.