What experts say
The better babies learn to use their hands, the better they will do in life.
Dr Jane Williams – Leading baby development expert
Our little non-mobile babies begin their journey towards being proficient hand-writers in their earliest months as they gain control over primitive reflexes through movement experiences.
Dr Meredith Sheil – Paediatrician
What’s in Episode 9
The ‘how’ and ‘why’ – Learn everything you need to know about your baby’s hand development:
- Why hand and hand-eye development is so important for your baby’s future academic, physical and emotional development
- Activities and baby games for hand development from birth
- Activities and baby games for hand-eye coordination development
- Songs and rhymes for hand development
- Retained primitive reflexes, hand development and learning difficulties
- When will my baby become right- or left-handed
Baby development class 7
- Join in! Enjoy bonding and development time with you baby, as together you do – baby exercises to music; dance; tummy time activities, vision, hearing and speech development activities; rhythm and music activities; baby massage; baby games and more baby fun!
Answers to commonly asked questions
- Interview with paediatrician, Dr Meredith Sheil
What parents say
I have a 10 week old son and in these early stages it’s been wonderful to use the videos in the comfort and safety of our own home. I’ve appreciated it most on days when I haven’t had much sleep. Because of the videos I can still help him learn and we can play together, all while still in pjs with unwashed hair!